Case Studies

Electronic equipment manufacturer

Replaced Parts ID card (Kanban card) by Smart Card.
Replaced inspection check sheet with Tablet.

Handling Items
Manufacturing Plants
Area of Improvement
Pick or Put
AIOI Product
  1. Issues
    • Paper consumption was huge and made environmental load large.
    • Labor and time were needed for manual digitization and storage of a large amount of paper document

  2. introduction

    NO paper documents were needed, which reduced environmental load

    • By digitizing paper check lists; printing, time consumed for searching needed pages, manual data input and paper storage for required period were reduced.
    • Environmental load (20 sheets x 400 units = 8000 sheets/day at the time of full operation)Rewritable as many times as required
    • Using the cases for attaching smart cards made attaching/detaching easy.
    • Large displaying of next process made it easy to see the status of delayed item.Switching display for each process made it easy to understand.


Use the tablet as an inspection checklist, and use the smart card as an item slip

  • Display the current process and nest process on the smart card
  • Save the record of each completed process to a large memory (16KB)
  • Automation changes the final checking process to only reading

Products used in this case
