Case Studies

Medical Equipment Manufacturer

Made complicated sorting operation of rank A, B, C be easy.
Sorting operation efficiency improved by 17%.

Handling Items
Area of Improvement
Speed up
Reduction of operator's workload
Pick or Put
Put to Light
Put to Light
AIOI Product
Pick to Light System
MWU series
JW series
  1. Issues
    • It was necessary to build a smart framework for shipping tasks that could be operated by anyone.
    • It was necessary to introduce a system that would allow a reduction in the number of workers handling shipping tasks.
  2. introduction
    • Conducting a logistical analysis of product hit rates, creating distinct storage areas for A products, B products, and C products, and using conveyor belts for the work reduced walking routes and increased task efficiency by 17% compared to the existing system.
    • The simple framework in which tasks are executed in accordance with instructions on display devices accomplished a worker-friendly system that can be operated by anyone.
    • The number of workers was successfully reduced (from 3 to 2.5).


Pick to light system combines different conveyor to successfully reduce walking routes

Video of Case Study

In this system flow racks for frequently shipped products (A products) are positioned around conveyor belts, while less often shipped products (B and C products) use medium-duty racks and conveyors belts. Pick to Light system secures work traffic lines, reduces the burden of on-site work, and improves work quality.
